One paper accepted to 3D Vision (Jul. 30, 2019)
We have one paper accepted to the 3D Vision. The paper is “Learning Depth from Endoscopic Images” by Ju-Hong Yoon, Kuk-Jin Yoon, and Min-Gyu Park. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the 3D Vision. The paper is “Learning Depth from Endoscopic Images” by Ju-Hong Yoon, Kuk-Jin Yoon, and Min-Gyu Park. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the International Journal of Computer Vision. The paper is “Joint Estimation of Camera Orientation and Vanishing Points from an Image Sequence in a Non-Manhattan World” by Jeong-Kyun Lee and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the Pattern Recognition Letters. The paper is “Distance-based Camera Network Topology Inference for Person Re-identification” by Yeong-Jun Cho and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the IET Intelligent Transport Systems. The paper is “Confidence Analysis of Feature Points for Visual-Inertial Odometry of Urban Vehicles” by Chang-Ryeol Lee and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have two papers accepted to CVPR 2019. The papers are “SpherePHD: Applying CNNs on a Spherical PolyHeDron Representation of 360 Images” by Yeon Kun Lee*, Jaeseok Jeong*, Jong Seob Yun*, Won June Cho*, and Kuk-Jin Yoon (*: equal contribution), and “Event-based High Dynamic Range Image and Very High Frame Rate Video Generation using Conditional Generative…
The paper “정20면체 기반 360도 이미지 표현 및 CNN 적용 방법” by Yeon-Kun Lee, Jae-Seok Jeong, Jong-Seob, Won-June Cho, and Kuk-Jin Yoon and the paper “Event-based HDR Image and Very HFR Video Generation using cGANs” by S.Mohammad Mostafavi I., Lin Wang, Yo-Sung Ho, Kuk-Jin Yoon won the best paper award at Domestic Workshop on 31th…
We have one paper accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2019. The paper is “As-Planar-As-Possible Depth Map Estimation” by Min-Gyu Park, and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 2019. The paper is “Joint Person Re-identification and Camera Network Topology Inference in Multiple Cameras ” by Yeong-Jun Cho, Su-A Kim*, Jae-Han Park*, Kyuewang Lee and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the One paper accepted to ACMMM2018 Workshop and Challenge on Comprehensive Video Understanding in the Wild. The paper is “Stereo Vision aided Image Dehazing using Deep Neural Network” by Jeong-Yun Na and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]
We have one paper accepted to the Pattern Recognition Letters. The paper is “Exploiting Multi-layer Graph Factorization for Multi-attributed Graph Matching” by Han-Mu Park and Kuk-Jin Yoon. [Publication Link]